Film Synopses

Water City, Ipswich synopsis 2018

This film is the 5th film in the series: Men and Women in Water Cities, which are social practice film/video works about cultural resiliency in climate change for those in coastal communities. This film is made with students and faculty from the University of Suffolk in the UK in 2018.

Kim Anno, writer, director, and producer challenged the young people to play a cricket match in the muddy bottom of Nacton shores. The beloved tradition of Cricket remains alive and well in the culture of the UK, and in Suffolk county, whereas they are losing significant land masses due to the rise of the seas as the polar ice caps melt. While in production, four houses fell off their foundations and smashed into coastal waters. The young are the inheritors of the problem of adaptation to the new world, and many of them want to have something to hope for. They want culture, intellectual life, and leisure time as their parents enjoyed. Sports, music, dance, iconic texts are tools of cultural resiliency that director, Anno employs. In this case,

singing from the sea shanty singers: The Seasick seagulls provide the score of a locally produced song by Joe Crawley, and solo song by Ally Seabrook. The romance of the past, with the

anxiety of the present lathers the ball game, culminating in the horse and rider who are harbingers to the future. Images of Joy, discomfort, and facing each other for reflection and solace paint a layered picture of the UK coast.